Pieter Boot

Position: Senior Fellow
E-mail: wadb@ciep.energy

Pieter Boot joined CIEP in 2009.

Work Experience

  • 2022               Advisor, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
  • 2011-2021      Head of Climate, Air and Energy Department, at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency 
  • 2010-             Fellow Clingendael International Energy Programme and (2010-2011) Energy Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) Policy Studies
  • 2008-2009      Director Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, International Energy Agency, Paris
  • 2001-2008      Director Energy Strategy and Consumption, changed into Energy and Sustainability, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • 2004-2008      Deputy Director-General Energy and Markets, changed into Energy and Telecom, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • 1997-2001      Director Mobility Market (Public transport, mobility demand, road pricing), Ministry of Transport and Water Management
  • 1992-1997      Deputy Director Energy Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • 1985-1992      Senior policy advisor and, from 1987, head of division Economic Structure, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • 1981-1985      Assistant Professor at Tilburg University and, from 1982, University of Amsterdam



MSc in Economics, Free University of Amsterdam, 1979

Phd in Economics, Free University of Amsterdam, 1984