Bio-energy for Power & Heat in the Netherlands in 2030

Huys Clingendael
07 June 2018
Invitation Only
Contact Pier Stapersma


Given recent developments in the Netherlands, we were pleased to welcome our guest from Denmark, Lisbeth Nielsen, Chief Consultant on biomass in the Danish Energy Agency, and former Project Manager of the Danish offshore wind tenders, who shared experiences in her presentation “Danish experiences: the role of biomass in the transition from a system based on coal.”  

12.30h   Welcoming Lunch
13.30h   Word of Welcome, by chairman Jacques de Jong (CIEP)
13.40h   Presentations followed by Q&As
                - Danish Experiences, by Lisbeth Nielsen (Danish Energy Agency)
                - Negative Emissions in the Context of Energy Transition, by Bart Strengers (PBL)
                - Corporate views by RWE (Taco Douma) and by Gasunie (Martien Visser)
15.30h   Roundtable discussion 
17.00h   Closing & Networking Drinks

Participants to the Roundtable included around 25 representatives from the public sector, private sector, NGOs, and research community, working on energy dossiers related to the theme. The Roundtable was aimed at exploring jointly the preferred way of making use of the potential of bio-energy, as well as at contributing to an improved mutual understanding regarding the opportunities and challenges that come with it.

The presentations are available for download: